How to Use InMails to Get into the Inbox of Pretty Much Everyone on LinkedIn

5 min readSep 8, 2021


Cold connecting on LinkedIn was never fun — it takes a lot of effort and still we get insignificant results. Marketers and salespersons don’t really like this way of prospecting. On the other hand, people on the receiving end are often frustrated and they cut off the conversations. The stakes aren’t higher when it comes to making a positive first impression.

The key is to find an effective technique to make a positive first impression and LinkedIn InMails are a great way to do that. With LinkedIn InMails, you can get into the inboxes of pretty much every person on LinkedIn. When you send an InMail, a pop-up will show the next time another person opens his/her LinkedIn account.

What is a LinkedIn InMail?

A LinkedIn InMail is a direct messaging service that comes with a LinkedIn premium. With InMails, you can send messages to 2nd and 3rd connections without connecting with them.

It’s a secret weapon to get in touch and reach out to people you are not connected with but really want them to know you. According to LinkedIn surveys, people really tend to respond when they see someone has tried to reach out to them using LinkedIn InMails.

Why People Use LinkedIn InMails?

LinkedIn has become the top platform for businesses who want to maximize networking and give a major boost to their lead generation. Many times, your prospects don’t accept your connect requests, but you really want to reach out to them.

This is where you can use the magic of LinkedIn InMails. Many people just get the LinkedIn premium and others use the best LinkedIn automation tools who want to send a lot of InMails to ideal prospects.

Does LinkedIn InMail Really Work?

Catching the attention of your prospects is much easier with LinkedIn InMails. It is five times more effective as compared to regular messages or emails. According to marketing surveys, LinkedIn InMails have a response rate of more than 10–25% which is 300% higher than the messages and emails containing the same context, if you use them the right way.

What Is the Best Way To Send LinkedIn InMails?

With a free account, a user gets no InMails as it is a premium account feature. So, crafting an InMail and pressing the sending button will be of no use to you if you don’t have a premium account.

With LinkedIn premium, you get up to 5 InMails per day. But is it enough? B2B marketers and salespeople who want to connect with hundreds of people can’t reply to 5 InMails per day.

So, is there any way users can send hundreds of InMails to their prospects they are not connected with?

Yes. The best LinkedIn automation tools.

The latest LinkedIn automation tools come with features to help you send the maximum number of InMails per day.

If you want to reach out to maximum people, you can subscribe to the advanced LinkedIn automation tools such as LinkedCamp.

How Many InMails Can You Send with LinkedCamp?

LinkedCamp, the safest cloud-based LinkedIn automation tool has made it much easier for users to reach out to their prospects easily.

With these LinkedIn automation tools, you can send 800 InMails per month. That’s huge, right? You won’t find any other way to send so many InMails to prospects.

However, if you’re a beginner, it’s not like you can send so many InMails in the beginning. Use the best LinkedIn automation tools to grow your network and send a few InMails in the beginning. Once you have established a good reputation and a strong network, you can definitely send a great number of InMails per day.

The basic goal of sending InMails is to broaden your outreach and create a larger network. Being a B2B marketer, you’d already had an idea that LinkedIn is the global hub of B2B leads. Thus, LinkedIn assists its users to get the maximum out of the LinkedIn InMail feature to increase your outreach and make sure you’re well-known in your particular circle.

How to Craft Effective InMails?

The goal of LinkedIn InMail is to earn the right to have a healthy and meaningful conversation with the right people.

If you’re using an advanced LinkedIn automation tool to send InMail, make sure you don’t send templated InMails to hundreds of people. This is just like wasting precious InMails that you could have used to your benefit.

So, when using the latest LinkedIn automation tools to send InMails, make sure your approach is highly personalized. Make sure you have enough data to capture the attention of the prospects. Do your homework about the prospects’ background, their interest, business problems, etc., and then talk in a manner that you have solutions for their business problems.

What Not to Do When Sending an InMail?

When sending InMails to your ideal prospects, make sure you have included relevant details. Don’t brag about yourself and your brand.

Remember: It’s not about you, t’s about them. Don’t make everything about your product or service to create an impression. It will do the otherwise because prospects are no longer interested in such sales-y and promotional approaches.

Make sure your InMail has an appropriate length; not too long, not too short. It should be a reasonable paragraph including all the relevant details.

Sometimes, people start writing stories that look even longer when someone is ready for them on the smartphones so make sure you don’t make such mistakes.

B2B lead generation on LinkedIn is not a free ride. You need to build strong connections and relationships with your ideal prospects. LinkedIn InMails are a great way to approach your prospects in a very professional manner. Use them wisely.

If you intend to reach out to a lot of prospects through InMails, you can use the best LinkedIn automation tools 2021 that offer up to 800 InMails per month. If used wisely, you will see a significant improvement in your response rate shortly.

Checklist & Takeaways:
1. With LinkedIn InMails, you can reach out to 2nd and 3rd-degree connections without connecting with them
2. LinkedIn InMails has a 300% more response rate as compared to regular email
3. Use personalization to make the most out of the InMails
4. Use LinkedCamp to send 800 InMails per month




Written by LinkedCamp

LinkedCamp all-In-One Cloud based LinkedIn automation tool designed to automate LinkedIn campaigns to increase connections, leads, sales, & profit.

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